Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

1. What is AUTOTAX?

AUTOTAX is the initiative of the Patna Municipal Corporation to provide property tax services to citizens. Property Tax services include new assessment, generation of new Property ID, online payment of property tax, property tax demand generation and any alteration of property through Mutation and Reassessment.

3. How long it takes for getting Property ID?

Instantly. User will get his Property Id. If documents and all information given in portal is correct and fair, then it will be approved by Revenue Officer and Property ID to be generated.

4. Where Property ID number can be used?

Property ID is used for payment of Holding Tax.

6. What is the Holding Tax Rate?

9% on Annual Rental Value

7. When Demand of Holding Tax generated?

Holding Tax for each fiscal year shall become due on 1st April of each Fiscal year.

9. What’s the fine/penalty, if user put wrong areas/information at the time of Registration?

If any owner of the holding wilfully suppresses material information essential for assessment of holding tax or under assesses the holding tax, such persons shall be liable for payment of difference between the amount actually payable and the self-assessed tax and also a fine of one hundred percent of such differential amount.

10. Who is exempted from holding Tax?

All dwelling units located in the slums and having a plinth area of less than 250 square feet shall be exhumed from the payment of holding tax.

12. How carpet areas of Petrol pump measured?

The areas and structures used for underground storage shall be measured and included in the carpet area.

13. Whether Government entities pay Holding Tax?

Non-commercial state and central government offices and establishments shall be exempt from paying Holding Tax but shall be liable to pay a "Service Charge" which shall be 75% of the normal Holding Tax.